Hotel Reviews & Reputation Impact Calculator

Based on Actual Studies and Data

Step 1: Enter Your Hotel Information
Enter your hotel's basic details. This information is required to estimate your current revenue.
Step 2 (Optional): Reviews & Reputation
Tip: This section is optional. Enter these values if you have data about your reviews and reputation for a more accurate projection.

Current Impact & Risks

💰Estimated Annual Revenue


Potential Annual Loss (1-star drop)


💰 Harvard Business School (Luca, 2016): 1-star drop = 5-9% revenue loss.
Lost Revenue from Negative Reviews


🔻 Moz Study: Negative reviews have a larger impact when reviews are few.
Calculation = (Drop per Review) × (New Bookings Influenced) × ADR × 365

Opportunities for Growth

Potential Annual Gain (Rating Improvement)


📈 Cornell Study: Higher ratings = 11% more per night.
Revenue Gained from Positive Reviews


🔺 Phocuswright: Positive reviews boost conversion rates.
Additional Revenue from Higher Reputation


📈 Cornell Study: A stellar reputation helps raise ADR.
💰 Harvard Business School (Luca, 2016): 1-star drop = 5-9% revenue loss.
📈 Cornell Study: Higher ratings enable charging 11% more per night and increasing ADR.
🔻 Moz Study: Negative reviews have a larger impact when review counts are low.
🔺 Phocuswright: Positive reviews boost conversion rates exponentially.

Explain Math Behind Studies

Estimated Annual Revenue: Calculated using:

Estimated Annual Revenue = Average Nightly Rate × Number of Rooms × (Occupancy Rate / 100) × 365

This provides an annual revenue estimate based on your current operational metrics.

Potential Annual Loss: Assuming a 1-star drop results in a 7% revenue loss:

Potential Annual Loss = Estimated Annual Revenue × 0.07

This estimates the loss in revenue if your hotel's rating drops by one star.

Potential Annual Gain: Conversely, an improved rating can yield an 11% gain:

Potential Annual Gain = Estimated Annual Revenue × 0.11

This reflects the opportunity to increase revenue with better ratings.

Impact from Reviews:

  • Lost Revenue from Negative Reviews: Calculated as: (Booking Drop per Negative Review ÷ 100) × (Number of New Bookings Influenced by Negative Reviews) × Average Nightly Rate × 365.
  • Revenue Gained from Positive Reviews: Estimate the extra positive reviews you expect if your reputation improves. Multiply the estimated extra reviews by the conversion increase percentage (as a decimal) and then by the Estimated Annual Revenue.
  • ADR Increase from Higher Reputation: Represents additional revenue when your hotel raises its Average Daily Rate due to an improved reputation.

All calculations are based on a rating scale of 1 to 5. If you use a 1–10 scale (e.g., on, simply divide your rating by 2 before entering it here.