Instant Review Invite App

Get More Reviews and Feedback instantly from Your Guests

Ditch the Reviews Cards. Collect Reviews Seamlessly.

Simple for Guests To Write a Review

There are many barriers to write a review; search the right platform, search the right property, find the review link, log in or sign up, etc, this discourages most guests to write a review, which means your hotel misses out on potential good reviews. Now with Instant Review Invite, writing a review becomes as simple as click and leave a review.

Simple to Collect Guest Feedback, if Something Did Not Go Right

Learn exactly what your customers did not like and get the answers you need to drive repeat business and prevent possible negative reviews online.

Simple for Your Staff

Motivate and simplify the process for your staff. Staff can send invites right from the front desk computer, tablet or mobile.

Score Card to Track Staff’s Performance For Incentives

Easily add your staff, create incentives and track their performance, see analytics on engagement and much more!

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See how GuestTouch can help transform your hotel

Drive more sales, connect with customers, and deliver the best customer experiences

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